Side Events
Side Events
The 41st International Conference will also feature side events, which will be accommodated in two slots, respectively on Tuesday afternoon, October 22 from 14.30-16.00 and 16.30-18.00 and Thursday afternoon, October 24, from 14.30-16.00 and 16.30-18.00
Several rooms within the Palace of Congresses (main venue), as well as many other facilities at hotels adjacent to the main venue, have already been pre-booked for these side events, whereas the IDP will oversee and facilitate their arrangement.
The deadline for submitting applications for side events within the Palace of Congresses as well as at hotels nearby has now expired.
Nevertheless, if your organisation still wishes to organise a side event at this year’s Conference, then you should contact the ICDPPC Host Authority by e-mail at: contact@
Important note: information relating to the side events set out below is being routinely updated or adjusted, however we will not notify you on these updates. Please remember to check this section on a regular basis
22 October
Organised by the Council of Europe
Snapshot interventions on the pros (any cons? come and tell us) of Convention 108+ by inspirational data protection promoters and defenders.
Be our guests in discussing the present and future of Convention 108+.
How is the Convention different from other international frameworks? Is this difference an asset or an obstacle?
Views on the modernised Convention will be shared, and borders softened as we will focus on how to facilitate cooperation between DPAs, on what this instrument represents in specific parts of the world, on its broad scope of application and on its ‘human rights’ flavour and colour.
Venue: Palace of Congresses, Oval B
No registration required
Joseph A. Cannataci – UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy;
John Edwards – Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand;
Jan Kleijssen – Director of Information Society and Action against Crime, Council of Europe;
Sophie Kwasny – Head of the Data Protection Unit, Council of Europe;
Patricia Poku – Executive Director, Data Protection Commission, Ghana;
Omer Tene – Vice President, Chief Knowledge Officer, IAPP;
Jean-Philippe Walter – Council of Europe Commissioner for data protection.
Our dearest Giovanni had accepted to contribute to this side-event and will be terribly missed.
Organised by OneTrust
The ISO 27701 certification for a Privacy Information Management System – the privacy extension of the ISO 27001 – establishes privacy controls and for the processing of personal data, and may likely become the foundation for future GDPR certifications. This panel brings together ISO 27701 experts to detail the new standard and share best practices for achieving ISO 27701 certification.
Venue: Palace of Congresses, Underground Hall A
Pre-event delegate registration required.
Please register here:
David Forman – Senior Director, ISO Services, Coalfire;
Markus Gierschmann – CIPP/E, CIPM, Gierschmann Consulting;
Andrew Clearwater – CIPP/US, Chief Privacy Officer, OneTrust.
Organised by Global Privacy Enforcement Network
The GPEN annual face event will be an opportunity for members and interested authorities to discuss practical tools they have put in place to encourage and ensure compliance by data controllers in their own jurisdiction.
Venue: Palace of Congresses, Oval A.
Pre-event delegate registration required
Registration at:
Organisers: Chief Privacy and Civil Liberties Officer at the US Department of Justice; Chief Privacy Officer, Head of Data Protection Unit at the Danish National Police; and the Data Protection Unit of Europol.
Questions over law enforcement access to personal data have to an increasing degree affected global data transfers for years. For transfers from the European Union to the United States, such questions could upend the EU-US Privacy Shield framework and the European Commission-approved “standard contract clauses.” Because of the need to ensure the confidentiality of criminal investigations – most often in the opening stages – facts about data collection, use, dissemination, retention rules, oversight, and privacy-related safeguards historically have been difficult to discern and debate, often resulting in misunderstandings or even mistrust of law enforcement. Yet, over the past few years, several countries have been hard at work in developing best practices to protect privacy, increase transparency, and rebuild public trust, thereby supporting the core government mandate to both protect public safety and privacy. Privacy officers and authorities from across the European Union, United States, and possibly elsewhere will examine best practices and lessons learned with respect to efforts to promote privacy and transparency in connection with law enforcement activity. Further, this event will aim to provide a starting point for ongoing engagement between law enforcement agencies, privacy and data protection supervisory authorities, academia and other stakeholders designed to share best practices, raise insights into the diverse ways in which legal systems protect citizens rights in the context of law enforcement, and ensure constructive dialogue about ongoing challenges.
Venue: Rogner Hotel
No registration required
Christian Wiese Svanberg – Chief Privacy Officer, Head of Data Protection Unit, Danish National Police;
Étienne Maury – Legal and Policy Officer, European and International Affairs Department, Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL);
Desislava Borisova – Specialist, Data Protection Function, EUROPOL;
Peter Winn – Chief Privacy and Civil Liberties Officer (Acting), U.S. Department of Justice;
Jennifer Daskal – Associate Professor of Law, Washington College of Law, American University.
Side event organised by the European Data Protection Supervisor
In recent years, one million refugees from conflict zones including Syria endured great personal suffering to seek a new life in the stable democracies of Europe. This contributed to considerable disruption of political discourse in the host countries. Similar events have unfolded in other regions. A typical policy response has been to apply surveillance and control technologies such as collection of biometrics and location tracking. As climate change intensifies and conflict and displacement become more likely, poorer areas of the world will be the hardest hit, placing the notion of universal human rights under greater pressure than perhaps ever before. Multiple tiers of entitlement could emerge, with vulnerable migrants and refugees increasingly the objects of surveillance and control. This panel will look at likely scenarios in the next 10-30 years and how to prevent the fracturing of human rights as collateral damage of global warming.
Venue: Palace of Congresses, Room Underground -1 B
Patricia Adusei-Poku – Executive Director, Ghana Data Protection Commission (tbc);
Rumman Chowdhury – Responsible Artificial Intelligence Lead, Accenture;
Pam Dixon – Executive Director, World Privacy Forum;
Michael O’Flaherty – Director, Fundamental Rights Agency;
Christian D’Cunha – Head of Private Office, European Data Protection Supervisor.
Co-hosted by the European Commission and the Ibero American Data Protection Network
Since their adoption in 2017, the Ibero-American Standards have very well played their role as a blueprint for privacy laws in the region and as a platform for closer cooperation between data protection authorities.
The last years saw many new exciting developments: from Brazil that adopted its first comprehensive data protection legislation to Chile that amended its constitution to introduce the right to privacy and announced the creation of an independent data protection authority, from Argentina where the existing legislation is being modernized to Ecuador where the government tabled the first ever bill in this area.
Similar initiatives have also been taken in many countries of Central America and the Caribbean, from Panama to Barbados or Jamaica. At continental level, the Organization of American States has just launched an important initiative towards the modernization of its own data protection principles. It is also remarkable that the first non-member of the Council of Europe that signed the modernized “Convention 108” comes from Latin America: Uruguay.
This shows how regional integration and global convergence can meet, complement each other, and in this way bring new opportunities to facilitate trade and cooperation at both regional level and with international partners. Join us to learn more about the Latin American momentum in privacy and discuss it with key experts and leading regulators from the region.
Palace of Congresses, Room Oval B
No registration required. Coffee break to be served after the event.
Interpretation will be provided in English – Spanish – Albanian
Eduardo Bertoni – Director, Transparency and Data Protection Agency of Argentina;
Jose Ziebarth – Director, Special Secretary of Debureaucratization, Management and Digital Government, Ministry of Economy of Brazil;
Gloria de la Fuente – Commissioner, Transparency Council of Chile;
Andres Barreto – Superintendent, Superintendence of Industry and Commerce of Colombia;
Francisco Acuña Llamas – President of the National Institute of Access to Information, Transparency and Data Protection of Mexico;
Felipe Rotondo – President of the Ibero-American Data Protection Network;
Rafael García Gozalo – Head of the International Department at the Spanish Agency for Data Protection.
Estelle Masse – Senior Policy Analyst and Global Data Protection Lead at Access Now.
Closing Remarks
Joseph Cannataci – UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy
Organised by the Information Commissioner Office (ICO)
The ICO is organising a side event that will be on themes familiar to those ICDPPC members already participating in the International Enforcement Cooperation working group (IEC) whose work under the current mandate comes to a close in Tirana. The event will seek to build an environment for different jurisdictions to exchange expertise, enforcement approaches, and collaborate on joint initiatives. We will focus our discussions on two organisations as case studies and discuss the potential activities for a permanent working group in the ICDPPC moving forward. If you are interested in joining other member authorities, you can express your interest by completing a short survey.
Venue: Palace of Congresses, Oval A
Registration required
Organised by Research Group on Law, Science, Technology & Society (LSTS), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
This event will introduce and discuss the final results of the STAR project (co-funded by the European Union (EU) under its Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme (2014-2020)) which supports training activities of EU Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) and Data Protection Officers (DPOs) on the EU data protection reform, and especially on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The panel will identify the challenges and best practices around data protection training. The panel will then launch the sready-made, easy-to-customise and easy-to-run training materials, (i.e. 11 Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, training scenarios, further supporting forms as well as a handbook for trainers and users of the materials) targeted for DPAs and DPOs and which are freely and publicly available in a digital form at the project’s website: During the event speakers will guide the audience through the STAR materials and, in form of a discussion, gather their feedback and experience from training activities thereafter.
Venue TBD
No registration required
Paul De Hert – Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB);
István Böröcz – Researcher, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB);
Filippo Marchetti – Senior Researcher, Trilateral Research Ltd. (TRI);
Júlia Sziklay – Head of Department, Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH);
Gábor Kulitsán – freedom of information expert, Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH).
Organised by Arbour Group
The event looks at practical implementations across multiple private sector companies. The event will discuss how to get the Board of Directors buy in. Establish a plan to a successful implementation that may be duplicated.
Venue: Palace of Congresses, BE Hall
Registration required
Vijay Laxmi – DLP, Director of Cyber Security and Privacy, Arbour Group
Al Berry – VP Connected Health, Arbour Group
Organised by GSMA
The arrival of 5G ushers in a new era of Intelligent Connectivity and is set to transform the lives of citizens and businesses around the world.
Starting from the earliest days of first-generation analogue phones, every subsequent generational leap has brought huge benefits to societies around the world and propelled the digitisation of more segments of the global economy. The transition to fifth generation (5G) technology – together with the Internet of Things, Big Data and AI – will drive a new step change in productivity and innovation by delivering real-time services across multiple sectors such as entertainment, transportation and manufacturing.
With an expected 1.4 billion 5G connections by 2025 and 5G forecast to contribute $2.2 trillion to the global economy over the next 15 years, 5G’s ubiquitous hyper-connectivity will spur diverse next-generation applications such as augmented reality, intelligent transportation systems, optimised industrial processes, remote controlled robots, boosted crop yields and remote surgery.
As the mobile industry starts to roll out 5G, it becomes increasingly important to understand what data is generated on mobile networks and how it is used.
As part of its role representing the mobile industry globally, the GSMA publishes resources on 5G and has written a seminal report exploring the visions, opportunities & considerations for 5G.
Join us to learn:
- What are the potential use cases of 5G?
- How does 5G work?
- What is network slicing?
- Who is really responsible for security and privacy in a 5G/IoT world?
- What data is generated and how is it used?
- Where are the privacy challenges?
Venue: Palace of Congresses, Underground A
No registration required
Boris Wojtan – GSMA Director of Privacy, Government and Regulatory Affairs;
Caitlin Fennessy – International Association of Privacy Professionals, Research Director;
Jade Nester – GSMA, Director of Consumer Policy, Government and Regulatory Affairs;
Mikko Niva – Vodafone, Group Privacy Officer and Head of Legal – Privacy, Security and Content Standards;
Simon Hania – Uber, Data Protection Officer;
Simon McDougall – Information Commissioner’s Office, Executive Director for Technology Policy and Innovation;
Vikram Raval – GSMA Senior Policy Director, Government and Regulatory Affairs.
African Network of Data Protection Authorities (RAPDP)
As every year, the African Network of Data Protection Authorities (RAPDP) is organizing, as a side event of the 41st International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC) in Tirana, an open-session roundtable of Network members and other privacy and data protection stakeholders. The purpose of this roundtable is to discuss privacy and personal data protection of young people on social networks and to share experiences of the supervisory authorities in this field.
Venue: COD Hall, Albanian Prime Minister’s Office
Registration Required by email to
23 October
The Brookings Institution and the World Privacy Forum will be co-hosting an invitation-only Biometrics Roundtable, with breakfast, on Wednesday 23 October, 2019, 7:30-8:45am, at the Rogner Hotel. The purpose of the Biometrics Roundtable is to promote a dialogue between the data protection community, the law enforcement community, and key stakeholders in Europe and other jurisdictions. The goal is to facilitate stakeholders’ ability to network, ask questions, and learn from each other on matters related to privacy and data protection in biometrics systems, with a focus on those used in law enforcement and government contexts.
Cam Kerry – Brookings, and Pam Dixon – World Privacy Forum, will be co-moderating the event.
Please contact Pam Dixon,, and phone +1 760-470-2000 (mobile and WhatsApp), with any questions.
24 October
Hosted by Facebook
In this interactive session, participants will engage in discussion and debate on the topic of ethical design and the changing role of product design. Participants will engage across different disciplines to share their perspective on neutrality, fairness and legitimacy, drawing on models and frameworks developed in concert with academics and with designers from the team at TTC (Trust, Transparency & Control) Labs, a cross-industry initiative driven by Facebook to pursue innovation and research in designing interfaces and controls for data. We will work through a series of design case studies to examine appropriate rule-making mechanisms and the role of ethics through the design lifecycle.
Venue: Palace of Congresses, Room Undergound -1 A
Hosted by Google
This session will examine how privacy-enhancing technologies and other techniques contribute to raising data protection standards for people everywhere. We will hear from technologists, academics, lawyers, and representatives from data protection and privacy authorities about how recent advances, when combined with smart regulation, can support data protection principles and enhance privacy for individuals. We will ask how stakeholders can work together to continue improving the state of the art and make privacy-protective technologies more widely available.
Venue: Palace of Congresses, Oval A.
No registration required.
Miguel Guevara –Product Manager, Google;
Alon Kaufman – Co-founder & CEO, Duality;
Aoife Sexton – Chief Privacy Officer, Truata;
István Mate Böröcz – Researcher, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB);
Simon McDougall – Executive Director Technology Policy & Innovation, UK Information Commissioner’s Office.
Sarah Holland – Public Policy Manager, Google.
Centre for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL) in collaboration with IAF and the OECD
Organisational Accountability has become a key building block of data protection globally through legislation, regulatory guidance, global standards and privacy management programmes. If properly understood and implemented, it has enormous potential for maximising both privacy protections for individuals and the effective and beneficial use of personal data. Yet, as noted in a recent OECD-CIPL workshop, the concept of accountability is still being questioned as lacking a commonly agreed meaning, as well as generally accepted ways of measurement, effective enforcement, scalability and auditability. This session will seek to address these concerns to reinforce the relevance of accountability in the digital era. It will also explore ways to increase and incentivise the uptake of organisational accountability by organisations. This workshop is intended to provide the foundation for the subsequent session on “Accountability 2.0 – Data Stewardship and Beneficial AI” by the IAF and the OECD.
Venue: Palace of Congresses, Oval B Room
Pre-event delegate registration required.
Bojana Bellamy – President, CIPL;
Hielke Hijmans – Director, President of the Litigation Chamber, Belgian Data Protection Authority
Jennifer O’Sullivan – Deputy Commissioner, Irish Data Protection Commission;
Rohit Chopra – Commissioner, US Federal Trade Commission;
Bertrand du Marais – State Counselor, CNIL;
Damien Kieran – Global Data Protection Officer, Legal Director, and Associate General Counsel, Twitter;
Lisa Sotto – Partner, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP;
William Malcolm – Director Privacy Legal, Google;
Knut Mager – Head Global Data Privacy, Novartis;
Florian Thoma – Senior Director of Global Data Privacy, Accenture.
Organised by OneTrust DataGuidance
Enforcement actions are beginning make headlines and highlight the varying aspects that authorities have focused on regarding organisations compliance with global privacy laws. Hear from regulators regarding their priorities and recommendations for demonstrating compliance, as well as how to practically achieve this.
Venue: ABA Business Centre, Conference Room, 5th Floor, St. “Papa Gjon Pali II”
Register now at the following link:
Laura Flannery – International Affairs and OSS Operations at Data Protection Commissioner Ireland;
Alan Raul – Partner at Sidley Austin;
Brent Homan – Assistant Commissioner, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada;
Guilherme Roschke – Counsel for International Consumer Protection at Federal Trade Commission.
More speakers to be announced.
Organised by Beijing Normal University & Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd
With the fast development of privacy regulations and AI applications, the data protection is becoming a common priority for the international community. The side event aims to discuss the current status and challenges of AI and data protection, the applicable policies and regulations, the best practices, as well as the global solutions for the data protection and AI applications
Venue: Rogner Hotel Tirana
Contact: Prof. Shenkuo WU (

Korea Internet and Security Agency
Personal data has become one of key elements in Digital era. Despite the importance of Personal data has enlarged, awareness and capacity of personal data have a room for improvement.
We would like to share our current activities for raising awareness and capacity building of personal data, especially for children and public bodies.
Venue: Rogner Hotel
No registration required
Hyun joon Kwon – Vice President of Korea Internet & Security Agency in Korea;
Stephen Kai-yi Wang – Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong;
Raymund Enriquez – Liboro National Privacy Commission in Philippine.
Data sovereignty can only be led by an independent Risk-Rating agency such as KELONY® with its ultimate KELONY®-Assured process.
Data are so rich that they can be considered as the gold of the 21st century. In reality, data are much more than that.
Data is the most strategic and fundamental asset for human life protection. The ongoing process of digitalization of people’s life, ranging from health code to banking code, to tax code and e-mail address, makes individual security more attackable.
Personal Data represent an enormous wealth and a crucial part of freedom, identity and security for each of us. Just think, for example, what personal data aggregated into information allow us to do.
There are many disciplines that in a fragmented way contribute to data protection, such as Information Security, Cyber Security, ICT, and yet it’s not enough to protect the whole which is greater than the sum of its parts.
It is necessary to possess the data sovereignty’s traits to have full control of it.
Risk is the common denominator of data sovereignty and has therefore to be neutralized according to Risk-Rating.
Venue: COD Hall, Albanian Prime Minister’s Office
No registration required
Genséric Cantournet – Chairman, KELONY®;
Angela Pietrantoni – General Manager, KELONY® Italy;
Ivo Galligani – Partner, Étoile Level KELONY® Italy
Hosted by Information Accountability Foundation in collaboration with CIPL and the OECD
AI and advanced analytics require accountability 2.0 and its requirement that organisations be fair data stewards. This session that builds on the accountability 1.0 session will explore data stewardship, its linkage to OECD Ethical AI guidance, and how it may be enforceable.
Venue: Palace of Congresses, Oval B Room
Pre-event delegate registration required
Martin Abrams – Executive Director, Information Accountability Foundation;
Christopher Docksey – Hon. Director General, EDPS;
Scott Taylor – Associate Vice President, Merck;
Cosimo Monda – Director, Maastricht University European Centre for Privacy and Cybersecurity;
Stephen Kai-yi Wong – Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong;
Pam Dixon – Executive Director, World Economic Forum;
Christian D’Cunha – Head of Private Office, EDPS;
Elettra Ronchi – Senior Policy Analyst, Science, Technology and Innovation Directorate, OECD.
Steve Wood – Deputy Commissioner, UK Information Commissioner’s Office.
Hosted by Consulcesi Tech SA
During the 41st International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC 2019), Data Protection Commissioner of Albania, also on behalf of the Executive Committee of the ICDPPC, granted Consulcesi Tech the honor of hosting the Side Event Roundtable “The Blockchain solution: data sharing for a better protection”.
The roundtable sets beyond the dualism between data protection and processing: by leveraging the blockchain capabilities for a better data protection, the roundtable will delve into a wide range of evolving opportunities such as data monetization and digital identity.
The debate will involve prominent panelists from top institutions, universities and the tech industry.
Opening Greetings will be given by H.E Edi Rama, Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania.
Venue: Palace of Congresses, Underground Hall B.
Massimo D’Alema – President of the Italianieuropei Association, Former Italian Prime Minister and President of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS);
Luigi Neirotti – Associate Partner of Studio Legale Tributario EY;
Kara Sutton – Privacy Policy Manager at Facebook;
Luca Bolognini – ICT Legal Founding Partner;
Jörn Erbguth – Lecturer at the University of Geneva.
Gianluigi Pacini Battaglia – Consulcesi Tech CEO.
Session cosponsored by Microsoft and Future of Privacy Forum
The online world is designed to collect, use, and share personal data-and as technology gets more complex so do questions of ethics, bias, fairness, and protection of vulnerable populations. This session will explore the evolving role of privacy in addressing these human challenges. Together with a stellar panel of global leaders, participants are invited to provide their input on supporting ethical research, protecting children, responsible advertising, and fairness in machine learning.
Venue: Palace of Congresses, Underground A
Andrea Jelinek – Chair, European Data Protection Board and Director of the Austrian Data Protection Authority, DSB;
Eduardo Bertoni – Director, National Authority of Personal Data Protection and Access to Public Information, Argentina;
Rohit Chopra – Commissioner, FTC, USA;
Julie Brill – Corporate Vice President, Deputy General Counsel, and Chief Privacy Officer, Microsoft;
Clara Wong – Assistant Legal Counsel of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong, China;
Florence Raynal – Deputy Director, Head of the Department of European and International Affairs, CNIL, France;
Omer Tene – Vice President, Chief Knowledge Officer at International Association of Privacy Professionals, United States;
Rob Van Eijk – Managing Director for Europe, Future of Privacy Forum
Cari Benn – Assistant General Counsel, Privacy and Regulatory Affairs, Microsoft.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Information Technology Industry Council & AmCham Albania
Data governance is today at the forefront of the global agenda. Given the continued growth in the global digital economy and the emergence of artificial intelligence, it is critical that policymakers seeking to address foundational issues such as privacy choose to build bridges, rather than moats, across national, regional, and global regimes. Common approaches to data governance, including certifications, interoperable regulations, trade rules, and emerging technology frameworks, such as the OECD’s AI Recommendations, are therefore invaluable. This session will identify examples and opportunities across multiple forums where policymakers can contribute to constructive bridge building in data governance.
Venue: Rogner Hotel Tirana
Registration is encourage, but not required
Keynote Address
Raymund Enriquez Liboro – Commissioner, National Privacy Commission of the Philippines.
Alex Greenstein – Director of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, U.S. Department of Commerce;
Erika Brown Lee – Senior Vice President & Assistant General Counsel, Mastercard
Simon Hania – Data Protection Officer, Uber
Lisa Sotto – Partner, Hunton Andrews Kurth;
Guido Lobrano – Vice President for Europe, Information Technology Industry Council.
Closing Remarks
Noboru Yamaji – Commissioner for International Cooperation, Personal Information Protection Commission of Japan.
Hosted by the Information and Data Protection Commissioner’s Office of Albania
This session aims at bringing best experiences of third countries, including Albania, in relation to the General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR) and the latter’s impact on digital economy. With the entry into force of this Regulation in May 2018,
its widespread influence expanded on many areas, most notably technology and innovation.
Technology is a significant catalyst for all social changes. Organizations, companies and public authorities dealing with personal
data are responsible for the way the information is collected, exchanged and stored, whether these decisions are made by humans or
algorithms. Advanced technology should go hand in hand with every controller’s accountability for more security and protection of
personal data relating to consumers. Meanwhile digital marketing has evolved rapidly. Customers can be easily reached.
Businesses offer “free” services like news, entertainment and search engines, and in return, they collect data and sell ads.
The aim of this session is to establish a dialogue between the panel and the audience on the readiness of all stakeholders
in the digital world to tackle the challenges and the introductions brought about by the GDPR in third countries while promoting
consumer confidence in the digital market. The speakers will bring their views, current practices, problems identified and attempt
to provide possible solutions for achieving GDPR compliance.
Venue: COD Hall, Albanian Prime Minister’s Office
No registration required.
Catherine LENNMAN – Swiss Federal Data Protection Authority (FDPIC);
Leida Matja – Competition Authority of Albania;
Mirlinda Karçanaj – General Director, National Information Society Agency – (TBC);
Aniss Lahoussine – International Data Protection Expert;
Irena Malolli – Director of Policies and Development Strategies for Telecommunication and Posts, Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy.
Pjerina Gaxha – Director of Data Protection Department, Information and Data Protection Commissioner’s Office of Albania (IDP).
Innovation Festival 2019 is powered and supported by, Innovation Nest which is a Balkan Business Angel Network based in Albania, that aims in supporting, investing, incubating and developing new technologies ideas on WB6 industries and enterprises, helping them in being innovative, competitive and internalized.
INN Fest 2019 is designed to be the most important regional conference for innovation and technology. The 2-day festival (24th & 25th October) will bring together the most successful CEOs, entrepreneurs and leaders of the regional marketplace, building so a bridge of support and communication for the new business/startup ideas seeking investment.
Venue: ArTurbina, in Tirana, Albania.
25 October
Final Reception of Innovation Nest festival (all ICDPPC delegates entitled to attend) on 25 October 2019.
Venue: ArTurbina